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Concerts Monday, 17/02/2025


Concert “Baroque Masterpieces”

Baroque music was composed and developed in Western Europe between 1600 and 1750, with the works of famous artists such as J.S. Bach, G.F. Handel, A. Vivaldi and G.P. Telemann. In the evening of April 3, 2021, at the concert hall of the Viet Nam National Academy of Music, a concert "Baroque Masterpieces" took place. The concert was performed by soloists such as pianist Dao Trong Tuyen, violinists Nguyen Cong Thang and Nguyen My Huong, bassoonist Nguyen Duy Long, flute player Nguyen Ly Huong, cellist Nguyen Hong Anh together with the Hanoi Philharmonic Orchestra under the conducting of artist Nguyen Phu Son.

To begin the concert, the Concerto in G minorRV. 495 written for bassoon by A. Vivaldi was performed by artist Nguyen Duy Long with the string orchestra. A. Vivaldi composed thirty-seven concertos for bassoon and the Concerto in G minor, RV. 495 is one of his successful works. Next was the Concerto in D minor, RV.565 for two violins and cello by G.F. Handel performed by artists Nguyen Cong Thang, Nguyen My Huong and Nguyen Hong Anh together with the string orchestra. The concerto in G major, TWV 51:G2 for flute by G.P. Telemann performed by artist Nguyen Ly Huong with the string orchestra closed the first part of the concert. In the second part of the concert, the audience was really attracted with the Concerto No. 1 in D minor, BWV 1052 for piano of J.S. Bach solo by artist Dao Trong Tuyen with the string orchestra. The concerto consists of three movements, the first of which begins with a rather dramatic theme contrasted to the second movement which is slow and thoughtful in G minor and the third one is fast with cadenza before ending in the D minor. The Suite from Jean-Baptiste Lully's Opera "Le bourgeois gentihomme" LWV 43 performed by the Hanoi Philharmonic Orchestra ended the concert entirely for Baroque masterpieces. This concert, was also within the activities towards the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam School of Music, the Hanoi Conservatory of Music, currently the Vietnam National Academy of Music and performed by lecturers and artists of the Academy. ■


Đầu trang
Tiếng Việt

String Instruments
Winds and Percussion Instruments
Accordion - Guitar - Electric Keyboard
Vietnamese Traditional Music
Musicology, Composition and Conducting
Musical Knowlegde
Fundamental Knowledge and Secondary School
Jazz Music

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