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Study Monday, 17/02/2025


Performance program of excellent university graduated students in the school year 2019-2020

On the morning of 14th July, 2020, at the concert hall of the Viet Nam National Academy of Music (VNAM), a performance program of excellent university graduated students in the school year 2019-2020 took place. There was the presence of the Board of Directors of VNAM, professors, staff, lectures, parents and students.

The performance program included the items performed by the students who have achieved excellent scores in the graduation exam. To achieve these results, these students have undergone a long and elaborate training process. The items performed by them represented for nearly 70 university graduated students of the Academy. They were Le Thanh An (nhi two-stringed fiddle) with the work Uoc vong (Desire) of The Dan; Pham Hong Duyen (bamboo flute) with the work Nho ve dong song (Longing for the river) of Dinh Linh; Pham Quang Huy (accordion) with Concerto, movement 2 and 3 of Bernhard Molique; Bui Khanh Linh (piano) with Sonate No. 31 in As-dur, movement 1 of Joseph Haydn; Luong Hai Yen (vocal) with Ou va la jeune Indoue India Bell of Léo Delibes; Nguyen Manh Linh (clarinet) with Sonate in f-moll, op. 120, movement 2 for clarinet and piano of Johannes Brahms; Nguyen Doan Thao Ly with Aria Mein Herr Marquis of Johann Strauss; Ta Khanh Linh (violin) with Concerto in D-dur, Op. 35, movement 3 of P.I. Tchaikovsky, etc...

The students' confidence, maturity and passion for performing on stage showed us their hard work of arts that they have experienced. Their initial successes of today cannot be achieved without the efforts of teachers and parents who have always accompanied and nurtured musical talents. It is hoped that they will continue to strive, grow and step firmly on their chosen art path. ■

Đầu trang
Tiếng Việt

String Instruments
Winds and Percussion Instruments
Accordion - Guitar - Electric Keyboard
Vietnamese Traditional Music
Musicology, Composition and Conducting
Musical Knowlegde
Fundamental Knowledge and Secondary School
Jazz Music

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77 Hao Nam street, Dong Da Distric, Ha Noi
Tel: +844 3851 4969 / 3856 1842 - Fax: +844 3851 3545
Website: www.vnam.edu.vn - Email: hvan@vnam.edu.vn