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Concerts Monday, 17/02/2025


Participation of Viet Nam National Academy of Music’s lecturers and artists in a special art program entitled Dang Nguoi tieng hat mua xuan on the occasion of the 30th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh

In the evening of May 17, 2020 at the Hanoi Opera House, a special art program Dang Nguoi tieng hat mua xuan [The Singing of Spring for Unclo Ho] took place. The program was organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in collaboration with the Central Propaganda and training commission on the occasion of the 130th birthday’s anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 and May 19, 2020) and was live broadcasted on VTV1 Viet Nam Television.

Dang Nguoi tieng hat mua xuan was of a series of cultural and artistic activities to popularize and educate people of all classes to be fully and profoundly aware of the merit of President Ho Chi Minh to Viet Nam revolution career and at the same time to show respect and gratitude to Uncle Ho in the movement of study and follow his ideology, morality and style. 

The program had three parts: Nguoi la Ho Chi Minh [You are Ho Chi Minh], Nhung bong hoa trong vuon Bac [The flowers in the Uncle Ho’s garden] and Dang Nguoi tieng hat mua xuan [The singing of Spring for Uncle Ho].

The items selected to perform in this program are highly artistic and also very familiar and attached to many generations of Vietnamese people. They are Dau chan phia truoc [Footprints ahead] of Pham Minh Tuan, Tieng hat giua rung Pac Bo [The singing in the Pac Bo forest] of Nguyen Tai Tue, Ca ngoi Ho Chu tich [Praise of President Ho Chi Minh] of Van Cao, Doi dep Bac Ho [The sandals of the Uncle Ho] of Van An, Ta Huu Yen, Dem Truong Son nho Bac [Missing Uncle Ho at Truong Son’s night] of Tran Chung, Bac van cung chung chau hanh quan [Uncle Ho still marching together with us] of Huy Thuc, Nhung bong hoa trong vuon Bac [The flowers in the Uncle Ho’s garden] of Van Dung, Mien Nam nho mai on Nguoi [Gratitude of the Southern people to Uncle Ho] of Luu Cau, Tran Nhat Lam, Mien Trung nho Bac [Miss Uncle Ho by the people in the Central region], Bac Ho mot tinh yeu bao la [Uncle Ho with a immense love] of Thuan Yen, Tieng hat tu thanh pho mang ten Nguoi [The singing from the city of his name] of Cao Viet Bach and Dang Nguoi tieng hat mua Xuan of Nguyen Van Thuong…

In the special artistic program this time, there was the participation of many Vietnamese artists who were popular with the public. Of them, many students and teachers came from Viet Nam National Academy of Music. They were People's Artist Pham Ngoc Khoi, People's Artist Quang Tho, People's Artist The Dan, People's Artist Quoc Hung, Meritorious Artist Hoa Dang, Meritorious Artist Tra My, Meritorious Artist Le Giang, artist Tan Nhan, artist Le Anh Dung, artist Phuc Tiep and the traditional orchestra, the choir and group of playing the stringed instruments of the Academy. The opening including a series of works: Tu lang Sen [From Sen Village] - Loi ca dang Bac [A Song to Uncle Ho] - Nguoi là niem tin tat thang [Uncle Ho, the faith in victory] by the People's Artist Pham Ngoc Khoi in instrumentalization and conducting the orchestra touched the audience. A choir of the Department of Voice took part in performing such the works as Dau chan phia truoc, Chung con canh giac ngu cua Nguoi [Caring Uncle Ho’s sleep] and Nu cuoi thang 5 [The smile of May]. Trong cay lai nho toi Nguoi [Missing Uncle Ho while planting a tree] by the group of the tranh zither of the Department of Traditional Music.

The beloved President Ho Chi Minh is a proud symbol of Vietnamese nation. His ideology, morality and style continue to be honored and engraved in all classes of Vietnamese people and friends around the world. Participating in this meaningful art program, lecturers and artists from the Viet Nam National Academy of Music along with many generations of artists nationwide showed their love for the country, Uncle Ho, and felt honored to contribute the lyrics and the sound of the instrument to offer Unclo Ho with a deep affection and gratitude. At the same time, the program was also an opportunity for artists to express their talents, dedication to the arts, contributing to enriching the art programs to serve political purposes and have great significance to the society and the community. ■


Đầu trang
Tiếng Việt

String Instruments
Winds and Percussion Instruments
Accordion - Guitar - Electric Keyboard
Vietnamese Traditional Music
Musicology, Composition and Conducting
Musical Knowlegde
Fundamental Knowledge and Secondary School
Jazz Music

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