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International Cooperation Monday, 17/02/2025

Welcome to the 4th Hanoi International Piano Competition, 2018 in Ha Noi, Viet Nam !

The 4th Ha Noi International Piano Competition, a big musical event to discover and  support the young talents for classical music, will be held from 8th to 15th September 2018 in Hanoi, Viet Nam. The organizers hope that the Competition will help to bring classical music closer to Vietnamese music lovers and strengthen the exchange between young talented pianists in the region and over the world.

Under the auspicies of  Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Organizer: Viet Nam National Academy of Music
Honorable president: People’s Artists Dang Thai Son
Board of Jury: Vietnamese and International well-known educators, pianists.
Chairwoman of Jury: Prof. Dr. Tran Thu Ha (Viet Nam)
Date and Venue: 8th – 15th September 2018 at Viet Nam National Academy of Music
77 Hao Nam street, Dong Da district, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.


The Competition is held in two stages:

Primary Stage: Application 

Please choose from appropriate applications:

  • Online Application: please click here 
  • Courier Application: please send us your application through Post Office. Documents as following:
    1. A completed  application form 

    2. Three recent photos (4×6 cm)
    3. A notarized copy of birth certificate or passport.
    4. Two letters of recommendation from two music lecturers and one of them must be associate Professor or Professor.
    5. A receipt of application fee certified by the bank
    6. VCD or DVD of two works in the participant’s registered repertoire at the competition.
    Deadline for application: 10th August 2018 (according to the postmark).

The Organizing Committee will make a preliminary selection based on the application material and decide the qualification of the contestants. The applicant will be notified of the results on 20th August 2018 by mail or email provided in the application form.

The applicants who won prizes at national and  international competitions will not have to send letters of recommendation. In stead, they have to enclose the notarized certificate of their prize(s).

Final Stage There are  three categories
Category A: from 10 to 13 years old (born in the years 2005- 2008)
Category B: from 14 to 17 years old (born in the years 2001-2004)
Category C: from 18 to 25 years old (born in the years 1993-2000)


Participation fee

The applicant should remit an application fee to the organizing committee to  make their document and DVD materials accepted. The participation fee is as following: 

Category A: US$ 80 (Eighty U.S. Dollars)
Category B: US$120 (One hundred and twenty U.S. Dollars)
Category C: US$150 (One hundred and fifty U.S. Dollars)

Notice: Fee for bank transfer to be charged by candidate. 

Bank Account

Bank’s name: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam
Branch: Chuong Duong
Add: No 41 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi
Beneficiary: Hoc Vien Am nhac Quoc Gia Viet Nam
Account No: 12810370001575 (USD)
128100000 26529(VND)


Commitments and Responsibilities 

1. The applicant has no right for all audio and visual recording, television broadcasting, internet broadcasting, promotional materials, productions and  other related activities of the Competition as well as the products derived from the Competition.

2. The prize winners of the competition have to participate the concerts  organized by the organizing committee without any payment. The concerts  are: Gala concert, Concert of prize-winners. The organizing committee is  responsible for the related expenditures of the above mentioned concerts such as: rental fee of the hall, transportation, accommodations, advertising.

3. The organizing committee is responsible for arranging and  recommending the available hotels for applicants during the competitions

4. Practicing: Each applicant will have 2 hours of practicing free of charge.

5. Schedule of practicing at the contest hall will be announced after the  Ceremony of drawing lots.

6. The applicants of the second stage (final stage) will received a certification of the competition.

7. Apart from the official prizes, the organizing committee will have some  additional prizes (To be announced).

8. The registered repertoire for each round should not be repeated.

9. The applicants have to play the registered repertoire without any  change.

10. The Jury has right to listen for the full program or a part of the program.

11. The participants who won the first/second/third prize at Hanoi International Piano Competition 2012/2015 will not be accepted to the same category.


For further information, please contact:

The 4th Hanoi International Piano Competition
Organizing Committee 
Viet Nam National Academy of Music
77 Hao Nam, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84-24) 3856 1842
Email: hanoicompetition@vnam.edu.vn
Website: www.hanoicompetition.vn


Đầu trang
Tiếng Việt

String Instruments
Winds and Percussion Instruments
Accordion - Guitar - Electric Keyboard
Vietnamese Traditional Music
Musicology, Composition and Conducting
Musical Knowlegde
Fundamental Knowledge and Secondary School
Jazz Music

Contact Advertising
77 Hao Nam street, Dong Da Distric, Ha Noi
Tel: +844 3851 4969 / 3856 1842 - Fax: +844 3851 3545
Website: www.vnam.edu.vn - Email: hvan@vnam.edu.vn