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Concert News Monday, 17/02/2025


National Solo and Ensemble Competition for Vietnamese Musical Instruments - 2020

National Solo and Ensemble Competition for Vietnamese Musical Instruments - 2020 was held at five locations: Dak Lak, Ho Chi Minh City, Thanh Hoa, Vinh Phuc and Ha Noi. On the 30th of September 2020, the fifth location, Ha Noi, had its opening at Viet Nam Chèo Theater, with the participation of professional art institutions including Vietnamese National Tuong Theater, Ha Noi Cai Luong Theater, Military University of Culture and Arts, Bac Ninh Quan Ho Folk Theater, Viet Nam Cai Luong Theater, Viet Nam National Academy of Music, Military Song and Dance Theater, Viet Nam Chèo Theater.

Participating in National Solo and Ensemble Competition for Vietnamese Musical Instruments - 2020, the Viet Nam National Academy of Music had two programs performed on the first and the second of October 2020. The Traditional Music Department performed three orchestral ensemble works and eighteenth solo works of tradition musical instruments. At the end of the competition, the Viet Nam National Academy of Music won nineteen different awards. In the Ensemble Category, the orchestra of the Musical Instruments Department won the First Prize.

Below were the prizes of Solo Category of the training section for lecturers: 

- First Prize for solo performance of the bau monochord: Eminent Artist Nguyen Thi Le Giang 

- First Prize for solo performance of the nguyet moon-shaped lute: Lecturer Nguyen Dang Hoang. 

- Second Prize for solo performance of the 38-stringed zither: Lecturer Vu Thi Thuy Linh. 

- Third Prize for solo performance of ty ba pear-shaped lute: Lecturer Phan Thanh Thuy. 

Solo Category of the training section for students were as follows:

- First Prize for solo performance of the bau monochord and Hope Star Award for Trinh Nhat Minh, student of lecturer Le Thuy Linh. 

- Second Prize for solo performance of the tranh zither: Hoang Hai Yen, student of lecturer Pham Thi Tra My.

- Second Prize for solo performance of the bau monochord: Tran The Tung, student of lecturer Ho Hoai Anh.

- Second Prize for solo performance of bamboo flute: Le Thanh Xuan, student of lecturer Nguyen Hoang Anh.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the nhi two-stringed fiddle: Le Thanh An, student of lecturer Nguyen Hai Dang.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the nguyet moon-shaped lute: Nguyen Dang Phuong, student of lecturer Trinh Huong Lan.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the nguyet moon-shaped lute: Nguyen Xuan Hieu, student of lecturer Trinh Huong Lan.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the nguyet moon-shaped lute: Phan Thanh Dat, student of lecturer Co Huy Hung.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the nguyet moon-shaped lute: Pham Thi Van Anh, student of lecturer Co Huy Hung.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the tranh zither: Mai Huyen Trang, student of lecturer Pham Thi Tra My.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the tranh zither: Nguyen Thi Thuy, student of lecturer Nguyen Thi Ngoc Huyen.

- Third Prize for solo performance of the tranh zither: Vu Hoa Thao Nguyen, student of lecturer Vu Viet Hong

- Consolation Prize for solo performance of the nhi two-stringed fiddle: Vuong Ngoc Hieu, student of lecturer Tran Van Xam.

- Consolation Prize for solo performance of the nhi two-stringed fiddle: Dao Tran Yen Nhi, student of lecturer Tran Van Xam.

National Solo and Ensemble Competition for Vietnamese Musical Instruments - 2020 was a professional activity aiming at honoring, disseminating, preserving and promoting the values of Vietnamese traditional music, contributing to building Vietnamese advanced culture imbued with national identity. The competition was an opportunity for the artists of traditional instruments in arts institutions and lecturers and students who were teaching and learning the major of traditional instruments at arts training institutions to show the individual ability, to exchange and learn experiences in artistic activities; to preserve, maintain and promote the quintessence of Vietnamese traditional music. From that, lessons on management, training, cultivating and development of talents were drawn and methods for operation were found, partly comtributing to the promoting of traditional music. ■

Đầu trang
Tiếng Việt

String Instruments
Winds and Percussion Instruments
Accordion - Guitar - Electric Keyboard
Vietnamese Traditional Music
Musicology, Composition and Conducting
Musical Knowlegde
Fundamental Knowledge and Secondary School
Jazz Music

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